Compatible Cranes
Both The One Car and The Two Car have been designed to fit the following cranes.
15' Techno Crane
30' Techno Crane
35' Moviebird Crane
45' Moviebird Crane
23' Scorpio Crane
Road Runner Camera Cars
Does not supply cranes
To Rent Compatible Cranes
And Stabilizing Heads
Visit Monster Remotes
Who We Are
We are Road Runner Camera Cars, founded by Jared Sturner in 1990. Jared has been involved in the movie industry for over 30 years.What We Do
Road Runner Camera Cars provides a complete package of services for a moving set including 6 cars, cranes, Trailers, and Tows.Contact Us
Telephone: (914) 777-7400Fax: (914) 560-2219
Email: ObscureMyEmail